Annual Sponsorship

RMAPIA is a small professional, non-profit association serving public adjusters in the eight-state Rocky Mountain region. In an effort to maintain a professional and balanced relationship between RMAPIA and industry attorneys, we limit the number of attorney sponsorships each year.

By doing so, we are able to remain committed to supporting our small member base in their important work while also focusing on the promotion and protection of the public adjusting profession at the state and national levels. We know that we cannot do this without our amazing sponsors and we are especially grateful to the loyal Annual Sponsors who generously support our efforts all year long!

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*Activity must be approved by RMAPIA BOD and shall not conflict with RMAPIA’s values, mission statement, or bylaws.
**Persons/companies/attorneys that select this option must be approved by the BOD prior to acceptance as a partner or vendor/exhibitor. Attorneys that select this option do not qualify for Conference Exhibitor Table slots or attendance or sponsorship of any RMAPIA-sponsored conferences and/or events.
The opportunity to speak is guaranteed only if RMAPIA is notified of intent to speak at least 60 days prior to the event, all proper documents are submitted by requested dates, if state and licensing agencies approve presentation content, and if Conference Exhibitor Table slot has been accepted, as applicable.
†† A Conference Exhibit Table is only guaranteed if Sponsor accepts the Conference Exhibitor Table option upon purchase of the Platinum or Gold Annual Sponsorship. If the Sponsor does not accept the Conference Exhibitor Table at the appropriate time, or if the Sponsor waives the Conference Exhibitor Table option, then Sponsor will have waived their rights to attend the Conference or exhibit at the Conference, and the next level of sponsorship will be given the opportunity to accept the Conference Exhibitor Table slot in their place.
†††The right of 2026 Sponsorship opportunities will be given in priority order of 2025 sponsorship level until filled. If Sponsor (s) fail to accept the 2026 Sponsorship opportunity within their allotted time frame, the opportunity will be given to the next Sponsor in line.